Friday, April 17, 2009


Hunt invites and acceptions are now closed!
all in one day o.0 wowsa
okay guys ill be stopping by for the next few days maken sure the cupcakes are set and ready to go, make sure your signs are out!

The Mystery Cupcake Hunt

This Hunt will consist of 51 vendors, which are chosen personally by myself to make this hunt fun and interesting.
If you wish to join in on this hunt as a vendor please send me an IM and i will send you an application :)
also if you want to participate as just a hunter, there is a seperate group for you guys only, just search up Cabbat Patches Grid Wide Hunters in SL and join or :P

Join the hunters group

Participating Vendors

10. Sweet!

23. MiEv

48. damani

Hunt Information

All hunts are personal invite

after each hunt, there will be a choosing of new vendors, some may stay, some may leave
all will need to refill out a new application.
this is due to be able to keep up with each vendor participating.

No vendor will stay in the same order
this is due to hunts being fair

some hunt vendors may be removed from the group at the end of some hunts, to prepare for a new hunt.
this is nothing personal

some hunts may contain 50 and more vendors

thanks and have fun

Hunt Rules

1. No Drama

2. No Spam in group about anything other than the hunt

3. No Inviting others without my approval

4. Yes Hunt hints are allowed, but do not give away item location directly

5. All hunt boxes/items must be hid the day before hunts start please!

6. DO NOT use any item that is given to you as your hunt box, as your own, or you will be banned from hunts, these boxes are ONLY to be set to content purchase only, do not sale the item directly

7. Anyone caught setting their hunt prizes to anything other than 0$L will be removed from the hunt

8. Thanks and have fun :)